Update: renamed entry
This is old news by now in the blogosphere, but no amount of procrastination can justify neglecting it entirely. And since I can't sleep tonight, this seems as good a time as any.
There was a big stink made over a photo of some bloggers who got to have lunch with former president Clinton. One of the women became the target of a lot of crude comments for wearing a shirt that fit more, *ahem* snuggly than the other ladies.
I'll throw my two cents in and say that there was room for a lot more maturity in the way people responded to her outfit. That side of it has been blogged to death already.
Since I'm probably going to get some actual outside attention for this post, I should point out that Jessica is not a part of my target audience; I've got no place to criticize her personally. (And even I have to say that I've seen a whole lot worse, even if it is beyond the standard I'm promoting.)
That said, it's worth noting just how quickly the innuendo started to fly. Her outfit was seen as sexy. Bloggers and commenters alike associated being sexy with sex. The fact that Clinton was there only magnified the effect.
I can't help but hear some of the comments in her defense as, "how dare you associate that poor innocent woman's sexy outfit with sex!" It just strikes me as silly.
How does it strike the rest of you?