I may be going slightly off topic by linking this, but not entirely.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
FotF on Purity and Modesty
I was going to respond to today's Focus on the Family broadcast, but decided to let them finish the series first. Alright, it's partly because the day got away from me and partly because my response was getting kinda long. I'd really encourage you to check it out. At least today's broadcast, if not all 3 in the series. (Aren't podcasting and streaming audio great?)
Thank you to those of you that responded to my last post. I might as well admit, sometimes I still get caught up in wondering what a woman is going to think of me if I point out where I see more beauty than the average guy (including myself) ought to be trusted with. (I hope) I've gotten better, but I don't always remember that the lady in question can easily end up questioning herself. I don't think it was until I started reading Captivating this summer that I really caught on to how important a woman's personal body image is to her. (For Men Only touched on it also.)
In other news, I was given the opportunity to have the Beauty is Power post from a few weeks back published in the school paper. The audience isn't exactly the same, so I had to do some editing. It's not terribly different, but I may post article here once the paper is out.
And as long as there's no real focus to this post anymore, I guess now's as good a time as any to mention that I'm considering yet another name change for this blog. 'God Made Women Beautiful' is sorta descriptive, but really only covers part of the issue. It doesn't exactly roll off the tong either. I've got something in mind, but am a little paranoid about mentioning it before I buy the domain. (though, I'm open to suggestion too.)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
How Would You Rather Hear it?
Tell me ladies; if you inadvertently dressed yourself in a way that one/some/all of your guy friends found distracting, how would you want him to bring it to your attention *Just to be clear, I'm only talking about between trusted friends. The topic is hot enough without having to hear it from a stranger? I'm sure most of you would be embarrassed if we made a scene. Would it make you too uncomfortable to have him look you in the eye and tell you that he is working to keep his eyes from going elsewhere as he's talking to you? (I'm not real comfortable with that myself) Or would it be worse to know that he let it pass without saying anything?
I've been told that the ideal would be to pass the message through an older woman in the church. Is that important enough that you'd rather wait? Or would involving a middle-(wo)man make it worse? A discrete email, perhaps?
Can you help us out?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
"New" Porn
The guys at xxxChurch.com are my my heroes.
What is the new porn? From the Victoria Secrets mall windows to overly sexual driven ads on Myspace. The new porn targets the temptation of the imagination. Just enough skin, Just enough seduction to get lost in the lust of imagination. The new porn isn't the latest hard core illegal download, or in the magazines behind the counter. The new porn is sitting on your coffee table and on your teenagers favorites on the computer. The new porn is myspace, Bud ads, Maxim magazine, pick any MTV show or new music video. The new porn has made it's way into mainstream America simply by not being the old porn.
~X3 Blog
When I get around to catogorizing my posts, this is going under People-Who-Said-it-Better-than-I-Could.