Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"New" Porn

The guys at are my my heroes.

What is the new porn? From the Victoria Secrets mall windows to overly sexual driven ads on Myspace. The new porn targets the temptation of the imagination. Just enough skin, Just enough seduction to get lost in the lust of imagination. The new porn isn't the latest hard core illegal download, or in the magazines behind the counter. The new porn is sitting on your coffee table and on your teenagers favorites on the computer. The new porn is myspace, Bud ads, Maxim magazine, pick any MTV show or new music video. The new porn has made it's way into mainstream America simply by not being the old porn.

~X3 Blog

When I get around to catogorizing my posts, this is going under People-Who-Said-it-Better-than-I-Could.


Fitz said...

oh yeah... the new porn almost scares me more than the old porn... atleast I knew what to expect from the old porn...

Anonymous said...

I second Amber's comment. It has gone from black and white to excessive amounts of gray and gray tints. ~_~

Anonymous said...

Right on! That is so true!